gashtee saakh example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But the novelty here is the appearance in Argos (Orchomenos and Tiryns) large circular granaries, similar to those of Egypt and Mesopotamia, which probably reflect the occurrence of collective storage means 2. Close to this construction, numerous circular areas terracotta brick seem to have been used for grinding grain 3. Elsewhere, vestiges of concentrations delimit a circular area of ??about 4 meters in diameter, probable vestiges of temporary shelters 4. For more accurate measurements are employed wavemeters circular guide which operate almost exclusively on TE01n and TE11 modes 5. From the observatory of Ulugh Beg in Samarkand, a circular building is 45 meters in diameter, only a few sections of wall remain

Given are the examples of hindi word gashtee saakh usage in english sentences. The examples of gashtee saakh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., circular.

For example, as you have studied in Class I, a tribal society of Africa lives in circular huts, that is, in houses without angular walls.

The molten magma inside the earth moves in a circular manner as shown in the activity.
It looked like any ordinary circular or notice that you may have seen in school.
First, when Indians buy foreign goods, this spending escapes as a leakage from the circular flow of income decreasing aggregate demand.
Second, our exports to foreigners enter as an injection into the circular flow, increasing aggregate demand for domestically produced goods.
The increase in imports per unit of income constitutes an additional leakage from the circular flow of domestic income at each round of the multiplier process and reduces the value of the autonomous expenditure multiplier.
Muscularis is formed by smooth muscles usually arranged into an inner circular and an outer longitudinal layer.
In section 2 we describe how we can view the aggregate income of the entire economy going through the sectors of the economy in a circular way.
We can also locate another view of the circular flow inherent in the discussion we have made had so far.
So we can see a circular flow here which is facilitated through the market.
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